Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Beast Within

The Beast could be the boys because they came and changed that island and the animals are more scared of the boys then the boys are scared of the animals.

Monday, April 7, 2008

An evening with Christopher Gardner

(1) Chris Gardner talked a lot about overcoming “life” in order to achieve his dream of becoming a stock broker on Wall Street. Have you ever felt like there was something that you were passionate about achieving in your life? What was it? Explain. (A). yes i have felt that way and it was about playing baseball. I played baseball for like almost my hole life till i was about 12 years old and then for some reason i stopped playing and i wish i never would have quite because i was happy playing baseball it was my life and when i went to try out for sprague and they wouldnt let me that hurt alot.

(2) Becoming a stock broker on Wall Street with only a high school diploma, these days, seems nearly impossible. It is a cutthroat world out there. What are your career dreams and what are some of the steps you need to take in order to achieve them? (A). my dream job would to be a mechanic and the steps to become a mechanic are very hard you have to go to school for how ever many years its gonna take you to graduate then you have to go out and find a shop to work at then you have to start at the bottum of that shop and work your way up so its not easy.

(3) Do you think you really understand the reality of achieving your dreams? What are some characteristics it takes to make your dreams come true? Explain these characteristics. (A).well your most deffinatly going to need some faith in your self and determanation and understanding that your not just going to come into this line of work and make the big bucks its going to take time and hard work.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Strange Things Happen

The only person i cna think of is my best friend justin hes almost exactly like me but hes also completely different its crazy and i never expected him to be my best friend so strange things do happen.


I value being alone alot it gives me a chance to think and reflect on the things ive done and havnt yet and lets me collect my self for the tasks to come.

Who needs rules anyway?

We need rules to keep peace and structure with out rules there wouold be chaos and violence everywhere. There for we need rules to keep us inline and safe.

We dont need rules because the majority of wars that start are because some one doesnt like some one elses rules and they rebel. Then again without war we would not have the country and rules we have today so in a way war is good for the right reasons and wrong for others and if wars start because of rules then rules are good and bad in there own way.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Ides of March

In the Roman calendar, the term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other 8 months. Now a days the term is most famous for the death of Julius Ceaser.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Throwing stones onto a railway line - can kill many people and cause damage to a city or town.3
painting graffiti on a public building - can heart the person who owns the building and will cost them money.5
breaking a park bench - costs alot of money and makes it inconvenient for others who may want to sit and rest while on a walk.5
leaving litter in the countryside - ruins enviroment and costs county/city lots of money.8
breaking glass in a bus shelter - costs sity lots of money and can not block wind for people waiting for the bus
setting fire to a school - can kill student/teachers and costs the school money to repair damages.1
Putting dish soap into a fountain - costs lots of money to filter and clean the fountain
damaging a phone box - will make it so people traviling people that have broken down will not be able to call for help.6
breaking street lighting - can cause a reck and kill drivers every time it gets dark
damaging seats on buses -costs money and will make it so u cant sit on the bus because theres not enough room with the damaged seat.9
throwing eggs at cars and homes- costs lot of money and damages home or car.2

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Q)What is it about destruction, breaking things, and violence that attracts young people of all ages? Please describe what you think causes this?

A)because its the curiosity of what would happen if we broke it and like the old saying curiosity killed the cat right.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No Rules

If there are no rules then we would not have survived the years but just in case im wrong I thing that if there were no rules we would all be running around with no class or structure. There would not be any organization.

Children Rule the World

I think the world would be a very playfull place and adults would have to learn how to be kids again. The politics would consist of who is the most popular and who has the most friends not who can lead a country. I think rules and laws would fall away from every day life.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Space Living

If everyone lived in space we would most likely live in some kinda air tight dome thing and we would wear space suites all the time and we would eat the food out of those tubes like the space people. We would get around my a pulley system so that we wouldn't float away because of the low gravity.

Best Advice

The best advice I have ever been given was by my grandpa who told me to learn what i could and think of the world as my class room and that there's always something to be learned. It impacted me pretty big because before he told me that i was just kinda sitting around doing nothing and not learning anything so I'm glad he told me that because if not i probably wouldn't be in school right now.

Talking Animals

I think that if animals could talk we wouldn't be any different and we would know alot about them and would not have so many questions. We would also most likely stop hunting and fishing because we would finally realize that they have stories to.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Rights Of Passages

I havn't been through to many rights of passage but ive been through a few like turning 16 and camping by myself. One rights of passage im looking forward to is turning 18 and moving out.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

USA Imperialism

I dont think the USA is an impiralist country we do not conquer other countries for the growth of our own nation. We and when we do take land we have always given it back to the country we took it from. Take the war in iraq for example we could have just taken there land and made it our own but we are over there to help them not kill them.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Censorship of the Arts

In my opinion they shouldnt censor anything because that would contridict our hole constitution and our right to speak freely. I also think they that should senser what is on

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Parental Consent for Abortion

I think that you should have to have parental consent. If your going out and having sex and get pregnant then your parents should know about it. If you have to have parental consent to play on footballs teams and get peircings and tattoos then I think you should probably have to have one for this.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Legalization of Marijuana

I think that it should be legal. People should be able to choose just like people should be able to choose if they want to drink or not. If they try and do the whole prohibition thing it will only cuase more crime and violence. One of the reasons its illegal is because it puts you in an alternate state of mind although alcohal does the same thing. Witch doesnt make sence that something illegal does the same thing as something legal yet they says it ruins lives. When most of our countries leader drink alcohalic drinks.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Genetically Modified Children

I would choose not to go along with the experiment because modifying natural life isn't right if your going to have a kid except the chance that it might not be as healthy as you want it to be. and as far as the results go I think they may back fire in 20 years and the child will not be healthy because messing with life and altering life is nothing to mess with.

Monday, February 11, 2008

McKinley Reflection

(1) What did you like best about the experience at McKinley? I liked working with the kids because I love kids I think there great little workers.

(2) What aspect of the experience was the most difficult for you? I thought that the most difficult part was talking to them because we speak almost completely different language then them but other then that it was great.

(3) How do you think the 3rd graders benefited from you being there? Well they got a little taste of how to use a camera and make a short film and they got to see how the big kids work and hopefully they can learn from that.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"What I really hate is... "

What I really hate is When people say to do one thing then go and do another. The reason I hate it is because when some one tells me to do something then go and do something completely different. It makes me feel like my ideas and ways of doing things are wrong. One example is when I was in my science class at prague my teacher told me a way to do a something then went up in front of the class and told every one else a different way then said my way was wrong even though he's the one that told me to do it that way.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Identical Twins

I think the rich family kid is gonna be more successful then the other only because the rich one has more opportunity. But the poor one would be able to manage money and his time better because he has to save and scramble for what money he can so he wont be as prone to spending it. Plus the depending on where the poor one lives he will have more chance of being sucked into to crime and drugs. While the rich one is sent to good schools and higher living styles.

Friday, February 1, 2008


One object I value is my snowboard very much because it is the only athletic thing I do so its very important to me. The reason i value my snowboard so much is its my freedom from everything else and when I'm at the mountain nothing else matters I'm free and flying. One relationship I value is with my group of friends they are my fall back people they are always there and always will be. We do everything together if one person gets in trouble we all go down if one person gets a raise at work we go up its like a group life line. One idea I value is respect and love the two most important things to me because with respect comes kindness and caring. With love comes loyalty and a deeper meaning of life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Respect: means to me that u never insult some one always help some one if u can. and always listen even if u don't want to and if u disagree with some one agree to disagree.

Responsibility: means taking credit or blame for your actions. and not getting mad at some one else because of what u did.

Reality: means the truth the the only thing thats real nothing else matters in life is reality.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Socialists Or Capitalists

I would have to side with the Socialists side because every one is treated the same and get the same amount of money and health care witch would be good for those who other wise could not afford it.

Moving Water Falls

The most memorable Water Fall I have ever seen would have to be north falls at silver falls. Just because it is so beautiful and majestic place I know.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Plant And Animal Cells


One difference is the size a Prokaryotic cell is much smaller then a Eukaryotic.
Second difference a Prokaryotic cell is not a structured cell and a Eukaryotic cell is a structured cell.
Third difference is the organelles a Eukaryotic has organelles and a Prokaryotic does not.

One difference is a animal cell does not have a chloroplasts and plant cells do
Second difference the size of the vacuole a plant cell has a much larger vacuole then a animal cell
Third difference is a animal cell does not have a cell wall and a plant cell does

Monday, January 7, 2008


I think that Advertising is i good thing but in moderation. To me People Advertise way to much. One reason i say that is because u cant walk down the street with out seeing some form of Advertising and its annoying. Another is when a child sees something they want on TV they ask their parents and then the parents say no and that can lead to problems with the child if they get disappointed by their parents then they wont trust them and possibly develop some form of depression witch can lead to suicide or lashing out at other people and hurting them. And my final reason is because some of the ads are sexual and over all disgusting and no one wants to see things like that on public TV or on a bill board.

Friday, January 4, 2008

700-Mile Fence #1

I think its a step in the right direction but a fence would cost to much and take to much time. One because The people that come over here illegally are sap from our economy and taking our jobs. Another reason is when they come over here they join gang's and raise the crime rate and make some of our city streets dangerous.

700-Mile Fence

I think not because that fence would cost so much to build in the first place that it would take so long to make the money back. Plus we would just go even more into debt and the cost of maintenance would just steadily raise the cost year after year and it wouldn't be worth it.

Asisted Suicide

I think if the person wants there life to end thats their choice and if they are terminally ill then let them do it but don't drag some one else into it. Because when u drag someone into it then they get in trouble for murder and then it costs them money and time and then it also costs your family money and time that didn't need to be spent.

Dreaming Of A White Christmas

In my opinion Christmas is about giving and not expecting something back and to me we have lost that. To be honest I've done it to and it's not right. and dreaming of a white Christmas is not a bad thing either i mean what is the harm of dreaming for some snow but don't lose sight of what Christmas is about.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Home Keeper's

I think yes the Home Keeper's should get paid because if both parents were to work and put the child in day care it would cost the amount of one parents pay check. Plus nothing can compare to the love and lesson's a parent can teach. So yes I think that Home Keepers should be paid.