Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Respect: means to me that u never insult some one always help some one if u can. and always listen even if u don't want to and if u disagree with some one agree to disagree.

Responsibility: means taking credit or blame for your actions. and not getting mad at some one else because of what u did.

Reality: means the truth the the only thing thats real nothing else matters in life is reality.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Socialists Or Capitalists

I would have to side with the Socialists side because every one is treated the same and get the same amount of money and health care witch would be good for those who other wise could not afford it.

Moving Water Falls

The most memorable Water Fall I have ever seen would have to be north falls at silver falls. Just because it is so beautiful and majestic place I know.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Plant And Animal Cells


One difference is the size a Prokaryotic cell is much smaller then a Eukaryotic.
Second difference a Prokaryotic cell is not a structured cell and a Eukaryotic cell is a structured cell.
Third difference is the organelles a Eukaryotic has organelles and a Prokaryotic does not.

One difference is a animal cell does not have a chloroplasts and plant cells do
Second difference the size of the vacuole a plant cell has a much larger vacuole then a animal cell
Third difference is a animal cell does not have a cell wall and a plant cell does

Monday, January 7, 2008


I think that Advertising is i good thing but in moderation. To me People Advertise way to much. One reason i say that is because u cant walk down the street with out seeing some form of Advertising and its annoying. Another is when a child sees something they want on TV they ask their parents and then the parents say no and that can lead to problems with the child if they get disappointed by their parents then they wont trust them and possibly develop some form of depression witch can lead to suicide or lashing out at other people and hurting them. And my final reason is because some of the ads are sexual and over all disgusting and no one wants to see things like that on public TV or on a bill board.

Friday, January 4, 2008

700-Mile Fence #1

I think its a step in the right direction but a fence would cost to much and take to much time. One because The people that come over here illegally are sap from our economy and taking our jobs. Another reason is when they come over here they join gang's and raise the crime rate and make some of our city streets dangerous.

700-Mile Fence

I think not because that fence would cost so much to build in the first place that it would take so long to make the money back. Plus we would just go even more into debt and the cost of maintenance would just steadily raise the cost year after year and it wouldn't be worth it.

Asisted Suicide

I think if the person wants there life to end thats their choice and if they are terminally ill then let them do it but don't drag some one else into it. Because when u drag someone into it then they get in trouble for murder and then it costs them money and time and then it also costs your family money and time that didn't need to be spent.

Dreaming Of A White Christmas

In my opinion Christmas is about giving and not expecting something back and to me we have lost that. To be honest I've done it to and it's not right. and dreaming of a white Christmas is not a bad thing either i mean what is the harm of dreaming for some snow but don't lose sight of what Christmas is about.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Home Keeper's

I think yes the Home Keeper's should get paid because if both parents were to work and put the child in day care it would cost the amount of one parents pay check. Plus nothing can compare to the love and lesson's a parent can teach. So yes I think that Home Keepers should be paid.