Friday, March 14, 2008

The Ides of March

In the Roman calendar, the term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other 8 months. Now a days the term is most famous for the death of Julius Ceaser.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Throwing stones onto a railway line - can kill many people and cause damage to a city or town.3
painting graffiti on a public building - can heart the person who owns the building and will cost them money.5
breaking a park bench - costs alot of money and makes it inconvenient for others who may want to sit and rest while on a walk.5
leaving litter in the countryside - ruins enviroment and costs county/city lots of money.8
breaking glass in a bus shelter - costs sity lots of money and can not block wind for people waiting for the bus
setting fire to a school - can kill student/teachers and costs the school money to repair damages.1
Putting dish soap into a fountain - costs lots of money to filter and clean the fountain
damaging a phone box - will make it so people traviling people that have broken down will not be able to call for help.6
breaking street lighting - can cause a reck and kill drivers every time it gets dark
damaging seats on buses -costs money and will make it so u cant sit on the bus because theres not enough room with the damaged seat.9
throwing eggs at cars and homes- costs lot of money and damages home or car.2

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Q)What is it about destruction, breaking things, and violence that attracts young people of all ages? Please describe what you think causes this?

A)because its the curiosity of what would happen if we broke it and like the old saying curiosity killed the cat right.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No Rules

If there are no rules then we would not have survived the years but just in case im wrong I thing that if there were no rules we would all be running around with no class or structure. There would not be any organization.

Children Rule the World

I think the world would be a very playfull place and adults would have to learn how to be kids again. The politics would consist of who is the most popular and who has the most friends not who can lead a country. I think rules and laws would fall away from every day life.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Space Living

If everyone lived in space we would most likely live in some kinda air tight dome thing and we would wear space suites all the time and we would eat the food out of those tubes like the space people. We would get around my a pulley system so that we wouldn't float away because of the low gravity.

Best Advice

The best advice I have ever been given was by my grandpa who told me to learn what i could and think of the world as my class room and that there's always something to be learned. It impacted me pretty big because before he told me that i was just kinda sitting around doing nothing and not learning anything so I'm glad he told me that because if not i probably wouldn't be in school right now.

Talking Animals

I think that if animals could talk we wouldn't be any different and we would know alot about them and would not have so many questions. We would also most likely stop hunting and fishing because we would finally realize that they have stories to.