Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Beast Within

The Beast could be the boys because they came and changed that island and the animals are more scared of the boys then the boys are scared of the animals.

Monday, April 7, 2008

An evening with Christopher Gardner

(1) Chris Gardner talked a lot about overcoming “life” in order to achieve his dream of becoming a stock broker on Wall Street. Have you ever felt like there was something that you were passionate about achieving in your life? What was it? Explain. (A). yes i have felt that way and it was about playing baseball. I played baseball for like almost my hole life till i was about 12 years old and then for some reason i stopped playing and i wish i never would have quite because i was happy playing baseball it was my life and when i went to try out for sprague and they wouldnt let me that hurt alot.

(2) Becoming a stock broker on Wall Street with only a high school diploma, these days, seems nearly impossible. It is a cutthroat world out there. What are your career dreams and what are some of the steps you need to take in order to achieve them? (A). my dream job would to be a mechanic and the steps to become a mechanic are very hard you have to go to school for how ever many years its gonna take you to graduate then you have to go out and find a shop to work at then you have to start at the bottum of that shop and work your way up so its not easy.

(3) Do you think you really understand the reality of achieving your dreams? What are some characteristics it takes to make your dreams come true? Explain these characteristics. (A).well your most deffinatly going to need some faith in your self and determanation and understanding that your not just going to come into this line of work and make the big bucks its going to take time and hard work.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Strange Things Happen

The only person i cna think of is my best friend justin hes almost exactly like me but hes also completely different its crazy and i never expected him to be my best friend so strange things do happen.


I value being alone alot it gives me a chance to think and reflect on the things ive done and havnt yet and lets me collect my self for the tasks to come.

Who needs rules anyway?

We need rules to keep peace and structure with out rules there wouold be chaos and violence everywhere. There for we need rules to keep us inline and safe.

We dont need rules because the majority of wars that start are because some one doesnt like some one elses rules and they rebel. Then again without war we would not have the country and rules we have today so in a way war is good for the right reasons and wrong for others and if wars start because of rules then rules are good and bad in there own way.