Thursday, November 29, 2007

Creationism vs evolution in schools

I think Creationism should be taught in schools along with evolution. Some creationists argue that creationism is a theory consistent with the scientific method. The hypothesis it adopts is that God created some thousands of years ago, and that man did not "evolve" into its current state. It then adopts supporting evidence for this perspective. It claims to have discovered evidence for a young earth and for the biblical flood. It has pointed to the absence from the fossil record of intermediate forms between known species. It has argued that certain species could not have evolved gradually because of their particular chemical or physical make-up. All of these discoveries and observations are pieces of evidence that support the creationist hypothesis and compose the creationism theory. They argue that because creationists follow this theoretical approach, that it can subsequently be called a "science". OK, the greatest lesson that a school can teach its students is the ability to use their own logic and reasoning to develop an opinion of the world around them. By teaching creationism in the classroom, schools are broadening the students horizons. Of course this would be taught right alongside evolution. The goal would not be to favor one theory over the other, it would be to create the greatest amount of exposure for the kids. being educated in a Christian school, I can see the merits of the this type of teaching. Let us not saturate one theory at the expense of the other. True beliefs that will last a lifetime are created by a truly objective decision based on the facts at hand!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Genetic Screening

I think that Genetic Screening is fine to make sure that the baby is gonna be okay and healthy, for the sake of knowing the truth to be prepared for a "challenging" child. But then again if the baby isn't gonna be a healthy one and they abort it then that's wrong because that child has as much right to live as any one else in the world. If you can't deal with the chance of your baby not being healthy then maybe you shouldn't try and have kids because there's always gonna be a chance that it's not gonna be healthy. You should always give it a chance because if you just abort it because it might not be healthy then your not ready to be a parent because that child would be amazing in its own way and that's just more the reason to keep it. It is right to accept that couples using IVF can ensure that of the embryos conceived a healthy one is implanted. However, this foretells a slippery slope for future exploitation of the process. If we set a precedent for screening and "selecting" babies, this must not develop into the widespread abuse of screening to create "Custom babies" chosen for other aesthetic or desirable qualities. This is morally wrong.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Corporal Punishment For Children?

I think that Corporal Punishment for children is not ok. The reason I say that is because it is never right to hit a child for any reason. How would you like it if your boss at work hit you when you messed up? You wouldn't like it very much would you? Neither do the children. Corporal Punishment is the worst way to teach a child a leason they will not react to physical abuse. The reason I say this is because when you strike a child you will only strike fear and will not make the child any better. Corporal Punishment is only acceptible when the perent is the one doing it no one else should be able to punish some one else's child.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Be MySelf

The one place in the world where I can be myself would have to be on the football field. Because out there I can do what I don't normally do because i dont have very much restriction. It's an amazing place to express yourself and not get in trouble for it. For instance I was on the field with some friends and we were playing and I did something that I wouldn't normally do unless I was on the football field.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Where I Would Go

I would follow route sixty six because its a historic road. I would take it because of all the sites along te way and it would be the most beautiful trip I would take.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Favorite Place I've Been

My favorite place that I've been would have to be my aunt and uncles up in Molalla, OR. I love it up there there is always something to do I would rather be there then here anytime no matter what. That place was more home then home. No one was mean or sad or mad everyone was happy because it was just use family hanging out and doing whatever.

Place I Would Go

I would go to Aspen Colorado. Because the snowboarding there is amazing and the people there are nice. They have The best trails and the best terrain parks in the country. So weather you board or ski Aspen is the best place to be during season.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007


The actor that I would choose to play me in a movie would have to be Will Ferrell. I say this because he is really funny and people say I'm funny. I think it would be good to see him act my life out. I think the story would go kinda like this: He would be a little kid living in Dallas, Oregon and then his parents break up. He and his mom move out next it flashes to him at 16 when he meets a girl named Jenny. they start being really good friends. I see a little bit of Will Ferrell in myself because: he's funny, caring, respectful, and has a good heart and all the best intentions.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Favorite Cartoon Movie

My favorte cartoon movie growing up was "Hercules". because its an amazing story about a boy who doesn't know where he belongs and how no one will accept him for who he is. Then he meets a girl who he loves and he has to fight for her to keep her and to keep her alive.