Thursday, November 15, 2007

Genetic Screening

I think that Genetic Screening is fine to make sure that the baby is gonna be okay and healthy, for the sake of knowing the truth to be prepared for a "challenging" child. But then again if the baby isn't gonna be a healthy one and they abort it then that's wrong because that child has as much right to live as any one else in the world. If you can't deal with the chance of your baby not being healthy then maybe you shouldn't try and have kids because there's always gonna be a chance that it's not gonna be healthy. You should always give it a chance because if you just abort it because it might not be healthy then your not ready to be a parent because that child would be amazing in its own way and that's just more the reason to keep it. It is right to accept that couples using IVF can ensure that of the embryos conceived a healthy one is implanted. However, this foretells a slippery slope for future exploitation of the process. If we set a precedent for screening and "selecting" babies, this must not develop into the widespread abuse of screening to create "Custom babies" chosen for other aesthetic or desirable qualities. This is morally wrong.

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