Monday, December 17, 2007

Salmon Story

Salmon Story

One foggy fall morning four young salmon set off for there spawning. Their names were Joey, the leader of the group. He is the smartest and his father is the mayor of Homeroom. A small fish town outside of Salmonville. Pete is the strongest and fastest of the group and is the son of the Protector. Megan is the prettiest girl in the town and is Joey's girlfriend. Megan is also the daughter of the richest fish in town. Lizzy is Megan's best friend and the second prettiest girl in town. Lizzy is Pete's girlfriend and her father is the mayor's advisor. They were the closest of friends. As they set off to the river mouth they said good by to their other friends and family for what could be the last time.
Joey, the leader of the group decided they would head up the Columbia river. What they didn't know is that was the river with the most danger in it. So off they went to a land they have never been to and possibly will never see again. As they were leaving they had to pass through the customs check at the mouth of the river to make sure they weren't taking any bad things up river. After that they were on their way heading up stream when they met a young trout named Sammy. He would be there guide up the river so they wouldn't get lost.
Mean while farther up river a plot to stop the salmon run was being planned out by The Board Of Bears And Other Mean Animals That Want To Eat Salmon. They made a plan to catch the salmon as they tried to jump the falls. Little did they know that Sammy was going to take Joey and the gang a different route away from the falls so they wouldn't get hurt or even worse, killed. So while swimming Joey and sammy were talking about what route they were going to take. Then out of the blue sky an eagle swooped down and grabbed one of the other salmon swimming with the group. Off it took and that created a mass scramble which was dangerous for the group. People might run into each other and knock each other out and then be easy catch for any one who wants them.
So the group split from the mass group and took off up a side stream. So there they were on some stream they had no idea about. But then out of no where a little frog named Hoppy Hoppington said he could show them the way back to the river. So off they went following the pretty strange frog who was a little to old to be junping around the way he did. As they were swimming up stream a bear came out of the woods and attacked the group. In the mist of all the action Lizzy got bit by the bear and was bleeding very badly.
Pete was freaking out and punching rocks and logs that were close to him. Joey, Sammy, Megan, and Hoppy were standing back letting him vent because they didn't want to get hurt. While Pete was in his rage Lizzy whispered something to him and he just stopped everything he was doing and kneeled down next to her. They talked for about a minute and then she went limp. Pete had a single tear in his eye that he wiped away. So off they went up stream the rest off the way to the river. No one said a word it was silent. At the river mouth they said thank you to Hoppy and set off back on the columbia.
Joey was leading the group while the rest followed and Joey called Pete up to the front to talk for a second. He asked Pete, “Are you ok man? How are you doin?”
Pete said, “I'm ok just a little Shook up.”
Joey replied with a serious tone, “Good. We need our guard up for the rest of the trip. This isn't gonna be easy.”
Pete said “Yeah. I got it. Ill be fine.”
Joey said, “If your sure man, let's head out.”
So they started swimming again and after 3 days of swimming non-stop they came to the falls that the bears were at. They had to jump them. There was no other way.
So for 7 days they sat jumping and trying to get past the bears. Finally Joey made it. He was up then Megan took her jump. She almost made it but Pete could see a bear going right for Megan so he jumped right at the bear and knocked the bears teeth out. The bear fell off the falls into the water and Megan made it up. Now its Pete's turn. He jumped and what a jump it was. The highest jump in salmon history right over a bear and splash he was in home free. But there was one problem, he had to find a new mate. Then at the mating grounds Pete found his girl, and boy was she pretty. her name was Sandy.
So there they were Joey, Megan, Pete, and Sandy. They all had a good mating season both couples had a full batch of little ones all healthy and strong and Pete became famous for his jump over the bear.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Stem Cell Research

I think Stem Cell Research is wrong because the fact they have to kill embryos to do it. Using embryos that have the chance to be a great person and killing it to possibly save some person who will die eventually is wrong. The baby you are killing may even be the next one to figure out the cure for cancer but we will never know because people keep killing the embryos for something they don't know will work.

Monday, December 10, 2007

My Best Christmas

My best christmas would have to be 2 years ago when i spent christmas at my uncle's.The reason it was my best is because the whole family was there and all we did was talk about things we used to do together and it was just warming to have every one there. Also that when i got my first snow board that was cool to.

Friday, December 7, 2007


I think smoking should be banned for more then one reason. My number one reason is second hand smoke kills people other then the person smoking the cigarette there for it should be banned for that reason. Another reason is its killing the enviorment because of all the chemicals in the cigarette its harming the O-zone and more.


I think smoking should be banned for more then one reason. My number one reason is second hand smoke kills people other then the person smoking the cigarette there for it should be banned for that reason. Another reason is its killing the enviorment because of all the chemicals in the cigarette its harming the O-zone and more.

Christmas and Holiday Spirit

Yes I think we have lost the true meaning of the holiday season. Also it has become to commercialized every company now is trying to make money off of Christmas and other holidays that its become advertising tool not a holiday. I think we should remember what the holidays are really about and stop using christmas as a tool to make money. What I mean my advertising tool is the make commercials using Christmas to advertise there new product or to advertise a new service the company offers but in truth all they are doing is trying to make more money for them and using Christmas to do it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Biodiversity Or Endangerment

I think we whould try not to effect the earth as much as possible because nothing is effecting us in a harmful way so why should we do it to the little bugs and animals. Another reason is we have done so much damage as it is and we should try to reduce the amount of damage we inflict on the enviroment. One more reason killing animals that arnt doing anything to us is nothing short of wrong and is only making things worse if animals ran around killing us we would be dead right now all of us so I think that hunting should be reduced dramaticly.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Creationism vs evolution in schools

I think Creationism should be taught in schools along with evolution. Some creationists argue that creationism is a theory consistent with the scientific method. The hypothesis it adopts is that God created some thousands of years ago, and that man did not "evolve" into its current state. It then adopts supporting evidence for this perspective. It claims to have discovered evidence for a young earth and for the biblical flood. It has pointed to the absence from the fossil record of intermediate forms between known species. It has argued that certain species could not have evolved gradually because of their particular chemical or physical make-up. All of these discoveries and observations are pieces of evidence that support the creationist hypothesis and compose the creationism theory. They argue that because creationists follow this theoretical approach, that it can subsequently be called a "science". OK, the greatest lesson that a school can teach its students is the ability to use their own logic and reasoning to develop an opinion of the world around them. By teaching creationism in the classroom, schools are broadening the students horizons. Of course this would be taught right alongside evolution. The goal would not be to favor one theory over the other, it would be to create the greatest amount of exposure for the kids. being educated in a Christian school, I can see the merits of the this type of teaching. Let us not saturate one theory at the expense of the other. True beliefs that will last a lifetime are created by a truly objective decision based on the facts at hand!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Genetic Screening

I think that Genetic Screening is fine to make sure that the baby is gonna be okay and healthy, for the sake of knowing the truth to be prepared for a "challenging" child. But then again if the baby isn't gonna be a healthy one and they abort it then that's wrong because that child has as much right to live as any one else in the world. If you can't deal with the chance of your baby not being healthy then maybe you shouldn't try and have kids because there's always gonna be a chance that it's not gonna be healthy. You should always give it a chance because if you just abort it because it might not be healthy then your not ready to be a parent because that child would be amazing in its own way and that's just more the reason to keep it. It is right to accept that couples using IVF can ensure that of the embryos conceived a healthy one is implanted. However, this foretells a slippery slope for future exploitation of the process. If we set a precedent for screening and "selecting" babies, this must not develop into the widespread abuse of screening to create "Custom babies" chosen for other aesthetic or desirable qualities. This is morally wrong.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Corporal Punishment For Children?

I think that Corporal Punishment for children is not ok. The reason I say that is because it is never right to hit a child for any reason. How would you like it if your boss at work hit you when you messed up? You wouldn't like it very much would you? Neither do the children. Corporal Punishment is the worst way to teach a child a leason they will not react to physical abuse. The reason I say this is because when you strike a child you will only strike fear and will not make the child any better. Corporal Punishment is only acceptible when the perent is the one doing it no one else should be able to punish some one else's child.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Be MySelf

The one place in the world where I can be myself would have to be on the football field. Because out there I can do what I don't normally do because i dont have very much restriction. It's an amazing place to express yourself and not get in trouble for it. For instance I was on the field with some friends and we were playing and I did something that I wouldn't normally do unless I was on the football field.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Where I Would Go

I would follow route sixty six because its a historic road. I would take it because of all the sites along te way and it would be the most beautiful trip I would take.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Favorite Place I've Been

My favorite place that I've been would have to be my aunt and uncles up in Molalla, OR. I love it up there there is always something to do I would rather be there then here anytime no matter what. That place was more home then home. No one was mean or sad or mad everyone was happy because it was just use family hanging out and doing whatever.

Place I Would Go

I would go to Aspen Colorado. Because the snowboarding there is amazing and the people there are nice. They have The best trails and the best terrain parks in the country. So weather you board or ski Aspen is the best place to be during season.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007


The actor that I would choose to play me in a movie would have to be Will Ferrell. I say this because he is really funny and people say I'm funny. I think it would be good to see him act my life out. I think the story would go kinda like this: He would be a little kid living in Dallas, Oregon and then his parents break up. He and his mom move out next it flashes to him at 16 when he meets a girl named Jenny. they start being really good friends. I see a little bit of Will Ferrell in myself because: he's funny, caring, respectful, and has a good heart and all the best intentions.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Favorite Cartoon Movie

My favorte cartoon movie growing up was "Hercules". because its an amazing story about a boy who doesn't know where he belongs and how no one will accept him for who he is. Then he meets a girl who he loves and he has to fight for her to keep her and to keep her alive.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Favorite Actress

The actress i choose for this is Cate Blanchett. The reason i choose her is because she was in "Lord Of The Rings" and that movies rocks.And she was very good in that movie.

The Aviator


The Lord of the Rings film trilogy

Those are just a few movies she has been in.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Favorite Actor

My favorite actor would have to be Adam Sandler. One reason he's my favorite is because he is just so funny and can make a joke out of anything they write. Here are some of my favorites by him, Longest Yard,MR, Deed's, Click,Water Boy, just to name a few. My all time favorite movie by him would have to be Water Boy. One reason its my favorite is because its so funny it doesn't matter what kind of movies you like you will like this one. It's about a semi retarded boy that is really good at football and try's out for the college team and makes it and its just the funnyest thing you will ever see.

Monday, October 29, 2007

favorite movie

My favorite movie would have to be "Boondock Saints". The reason this is my favorite movie is because its funny has lots of action and good story line.

Friday, October 26, 2007

what i like and dislike about salem

The one thing I like about Salem is how the people here, for the most part, are very friendly and layed back. Another reason I like Salem is the fact that there is country just a couple minutes away. If I want to just get away for a bit, I can take a 5 minute drive and just disapear. But these days they are building way to much and taking away the one thing Salem is known for and taking that away is not right. Because they are building and taking away the green and beautiful country that has been here longer then anything else.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Pump Up Music

The song that fires me up most would have to be "Gaurded" by "Disturbed" because it's just so fast paced and loud.

Like I said it's fast and loud and it gets me fired up really fast I listen to it before I go play football or any other sport. One reason it fires me up is because it holds a lot of aggression and frustration and just lets it out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Discription song

The song that best discribes me would have to be "In The End" by "Linkin Park"

It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go

The reason I think it discribes me is because I've tried so hard for that I have never understood and that's what the song is about. This song is about a guy who was trying so hard for a girl that means the world to him, that just walked away from him and he never got to taste the victory of having the one he loves to call his own.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Inspirational Song's

The most inspring song I thing would have to be "Unforgiven" by "Metallica". Here are some lyrics of that song to show you what I mean.
"New blood joins this earth,
and quickly he's subdued.
Through constant pain disgrace,
the young boy learns their rules.

With time the child draws in,
this whipping boy done wrong.
Deprived of all his thoughts,
the young man struggles on and on he's known,
a vow unto his own,
that never from this day,
his will they'll take away."

I think this song is very inspirational because it can relate to every one and means a lot to people because its a very deep song talking about a old man struggling to fit in and struggling to survive. The reason i say the old man is trying to survive and fit in is because he is in jail and trying to survive and break out and its about his struggle to do that.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Favorite Band

My favorite band would have to be Metallica. My favorite song by them I have to say is "Harvester of Sarrow" and "Master of Puppests". Their music is so deep and meaningful and just all around good that there is no reason you shouldn't like them and unlike most of the bands out there they are a family they do everything together and not just show up at a studio and play music that some writer wrote. They write their music as a band and make their guitar riffs as a band and the drums as a band.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

About me

Have you ever been so close but so far away at the same time?
Well thats were I stand with my academic aspect of my life. I am a junior in high school. Yet I only have 8 ½ credits. But now that I have found a program that is working for me, and is helping me as much as it can to achieve my goal to graduate,things are starting to look up. My goal over all is to graduate. Working diligently, I seem to be getting closer and closer to my goal by the day. I wish to walk with my class of 2009 and finally have what I've been working so aggressively for.

I'm a really outgoing person and I love to have fun. I'm very social. I love to meet new people, as long as they have a good sense humor. I have a few really close friends, and I would do anything for them. The way I know they would do just about anything for me. When I'm discouraged, they're always there for me. I love to play sports. I'm pretty much a God at football. Fearless on the field, and people know to look out for me. Over all my friends reign supreme. They are everything to me.

My family is amazing. I've never been in a fight with any of my family members. We are a very tight group. If one of us needs help the whole family will come together and pitch in. No matter what the problem, or things that might come in between, it doesn't matter. We're there for each other, and thats all that matters.

My dream job would have to be a mechanic or a computer programer. It's a tough decision between the two. I love to work on cars, and I love to work with computers. My family is big in mechanics. My Grandmother and Uncle both worked with cars. They both have inspired me to create things and work with things to make them a new. When it comes to computers, I love to see what makes them work, and when I can figure out a problem that occurs in one, it makes me feel highly of myself. Problem solving are both really big aspects of being a mechanic or a computer programer. I'm pretty good at problem solving, and these two things that I love to do just seem to fit.

Through life, we all meet challenges, face things we don't want to, but if we can see the good in the outcome, then life just seems to fall in place. No matter if its school, family, friends or professionalism. I can't wait to see what my future upholds for me.