Thursday, November 29, 2007

Creationism vs evolution in schools

I think Creationism should be taught in schools along with evolution. Some creationists argue that creationism is a theory consistent with the scientific method. The hypothesis it adopts is that God created some thousands of years ago, and that man did not "evolve" into its current state. It then adopts supporting evidence for this perspective. It claims to have discovered evidence for a young earth and for the biblical flood. It has pointed to the absence from the fossil record of intermediate forms between known species. It has argued that certain species could not have evolved gradually because of their particular chemical or physical make-up. All of these discoveries and observations are pieces of evidence that support the creationist hypothesis and compose the creationism theory. They argue that because creationists follow this theoretical approach, that it can subsequently be called a "science". OK, the greatest lesson that a school can teach its students is the ability to use their own logic and reasoning to develop an opinion of the world around them. By teaching creationism in the classroom, schools are broadening the students horizons. Of course this would be taught right alongside evolution. The goal would not be to favor one theory over the other, it would be to create the greatest amount of exposure for the kids. being educated in a Christian school, I can see the merits of the this type of teaching. Let us not saturate one theory at the expense of the other. True beliefs that will last a lifetime are created by a truly objective decision based on the facts at hand!

1 comment:

Fresh Start @ The IKE Box said...

For grading purposes: Well done! 10/10