Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Biodiversity Or Endangerment

I think we whould try not to effect the earth as much as possible because nothing is effecting us in a harmful way so why should we do it to the little bugs and animals. Another reason is we have done so much damage as it is and we should try to reduce the amount of damage we inflict on the enviroment. One more reason killing animals that arnt doing anything to us is nothing short of wrong and is only making things worse if animals ran around killing us we would be dead right now all of us so I think that hunting should be reduced dramaticly.


Fresh Start @ The IKE Box said...

You've come a long ways with your writing. I used to have to pull your teeth when it came to putting more of your thoughts and ideas on the table. Now you are doing so much better and making a good effort to do it right. I appreciate that and I think it is paying off for you. I know this is a challenge for you, but I encourage you to keep putting effort into reading about your topics and seeking other thoughts and ideas to strengthen your arguments. Writing is a lot like football in that you have to practice to become better. Both require conditioning and sometimes a little teamwork. Keep up the hard work, dude!


Fresh Start @ The IKE Box said...

For grading purposes: missing key arguments to support your opinions. 7/10